How God Builds His Work Part 3

 God Builds through a System called Generational Structures.

I understood, through Moses’ encounter with the Lord, that whenever God intended to raise deliverers, he would build them through generational structures. While introducing himself to Moses, the Lord mentions their forefathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob); he did this to make him realise that God works through generations. Moses’ meeting with the Lord was a build-up and continuation of the work he had begun with Abraham down to Jacob.

Defining and sticking to your spiritual lineage is very vital. No matter how unique your present experience with the Lord is, its roots are linked to your forefathers in the faith. Elisha’s ministry was a build-up of Elijah’s assignment, and the Apostle’s commission emanated from the work that our Lord had begun while on earth. Had Elisha abandoned Elisha’s path, he would have missed the mark.

Even in this generation, God plans to pass us the mantles he has deposited in the lives of our spiritual parents. When you check the scriptures, the Lord took the spirit that was in Moses and divided it among the 70 elders. Again, Elijah gave Elisha his mantle, and throughout the Bible, the same pattern repeats itself over and over. This is why people without fathers never go far in their spiritual journey; compared to receiving a mantle, starting from zero is much harder.

Besides the wealth and houses we inherit from our earthly parents (Proverbs 19:14), we must strive to receive spiritual treasures from our spiritual lineage. The generational anointing is part of this treasure and is very important because you won’t have to go through the same battles and struggles your forefathers faced. Their scars will become your mark of victory. The scripture explains this principle in Isaiah.

But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

(Isaiah 53:5 KJV)


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